Aug. 18: CFPB Updates This Week

PUBLISHED The CFPB updated the Filing Instructions Guide for Small Business Lending Data

The updates include the following:

  • Reordering certain demographic information codes to better correlate with Home Mortgage Disclosure Act data, per request from industry,
  • Minor wording clarifications to the pricing information data point, and
  • Minor administrative updates to the validation IDs.

The changes were also incorporated into the Small Business Lending Rule Data Points Chart.

Details about these changes to the Filing Instructions Guide can be found in the Small Business Lending Data Updates page, available at:

You can access the updated Small Business Lending Rule Data Points Chart here:


the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) took action against Freedom Mortgage Corporation (Freedom) for providing illegal incentives to real estate brokers and agents in exchange for mortgage loan referrals. Freedom provided real estate agents and brokers with numerous incentives — including cash payments, paid subscription services, and catered parties — with the understanding they would refer prospective homebuyers to Freedom for mortgage loans. This conduct violated the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act and its implementing regulation. The CFPB is ordering Freedom to cease its illegal activities and pay $1.75 million into the CFPB’s victim relief fund. The CFPB separately issued an order against a real estate brokerage firm, Realty Connect USA Long Island (Realty Connect), for accepting numerous illegal kickbacks from Freedom. Realty Connect will pay a $200,000 penalty and cease its unlawful conduct.


Remarks of CFPB Director Rohit Chopra at White House Roundtable on Protecting Americans from Harmful Data Broker Practices

The United States has a long history of recognizing the sanctity of protecting against unwanted intrusions into our homes and our lives. During a White House Roundtable today, Director Chopra announced that the CFPB will be developing rules to prevent misuse and abuse by data brokers that track, collect, and monetize information about people. Many of these firms assemble data to feed “artificial intelligence” (AI) that makes decisions about our daily lives.

After conducting a public inquiry into data brokers and assessing today’s uses of AI that are often powered by data from the surveillance industry, the CFPB will be issuing proposed rules under the Fair Credit Reporting Act to address business practices used by companies that assemble and monetize our data.

Small businesses interested in participating as a panelist should contact the CFPB within the next week: [email protected].

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What we’re hearing from consumers in New Mexico

New Mexicans submitted complaints about credit reporting, debt collection, and other products. This week, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Director Rohit Chopra will visit Gallup and Albuquerque, New Mexico, to meet with elected officials, tribal leaders, community leaders, and consumer advocates to discuss issues New Mexicans are facing—particularly issues related to medical debt and junk fees.

The CFPB’s public Consumer Complaint Database lends valuable insights into these subjects. Since 2011, the CFPB has published more than 11,600 complaints from New Mexicans. Mirroring nationwide trends, complaints about credit reporting make up most of these complaints (42%), followed by debt collection (17%) and mortgage (13%) (Figure 1). New Mexicans also submit complaints about debt collection, mortgage, credit cards and checking or savings at greater rates than all consumers. Read more