Webinar tackles rash of embezzlements

A one-hour webinar focusing on how to prevent the spreading rash of embezzlements among financial institutions (including credit unions) is on the NASCUS education agenda for the middle of November

The Nov. 18 session, featuring internal controls expert Jim Vilker, explores key factors in embezzlements, types of embezzlements and review of basic internal controls. According to NASCUS Vice President of Education Dr. Isaida Woo, Vilker developed the program after compiling a list of sound internal controls that credit unions should adopt and examiners and auditors should consider.

These internal control recommendations were developed through Jim’s involvement in forensic analysis and review of indictments related to a number of embezzlements,” Woo said. “The best practices to hinder fraud that Jim has collected will equip credit unions with the implements they need to counter this fraud.”

The session is planned to run from 2-3 p.m. ET; cost is $99 for NASCUS members and $199 for all others.

Other NASCUS education events going on now or coming up include:

CUNA Cybersecurity eSchool with NASCUS; Now through Oct. 29

CUNA BSA/AML Certification eSchool with NASCUS; Monday through Dec. 7

Risk Assessment Webinar; Nov. 18 (2-3pm ET)

Tennessee Director College; Dec. 1 (9 a.m.-noon CT)

Michigan Industry Day; Dec. 3 (9 a.m.-noon ET)

NASCUS Nov. 18 risk assessment webinar