Credit Union Branch
Summary: Executive Orders
NASCUS Summary Executive Orders E.O. 13891 Executive Order on Promoting the Rule of Law Through Improved Agency Guidance Documents; and E.O. 13892 Executive Order on Promoting the Rule of Law...
Final Rule Summary: Public Unit and Nonmember Shares
NCUA Final Rule Summary Part 701 and Part 741 Public Unit and Nonmember Shares Prepared by NASCUS Legislative & Regulatory Affairs Department November 2019 NCUA has published a final rule...
Summary: Final Rule Part 715 Supervisory Committee Audits and Verifications
NCUA has published a final rule amending its rules regarding required audits and account verifications for federally insured credit unions. NCUA’s audit rules are found in NCUA’s Rules and Regulations Part 715. For federally insured state credit unions (FISCUs), Part 715 is referenced in Parts 741.6 and 741.202.
Summary: NCUA Proposal, Call Report Modernization
Summary: NCUA Proposal, Call Report Modernization March 2018 NCUA is continuing its initiative, begun in 2016, to update and modernize the 5300 Call Report for credit unions. NCUA has proposed changes that...
Summary: NCUA Proposed Changes to its Bylaws for Federal Credit Unions (FCUs)
Summary: NCUA Proposed Changes to its Bylaws for Federal Credit Unions (FCUs) April 2018 The NCUA Board has issued an advance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPR) to FCUs soliciting comments...
Summary: Accuracy of Advertising and Notice of Insured Status
Final Rule Summary: Accuracy of Advertising and Notice of Insured Status Prepared by NASCUS Legislative & Regulatory Affairs Department April 2018 NCUA has amended Part 740, its advertising rule, to provide...
Final Rule Summary: NCUSIF Equity Distributions
Final Rule Summary: NCUSIF Equity Distributions Prepared by NASCUS Legislative & Regulatory Affairs Department April 2018 NCUA has promulgated a final rule amending the regulations for calculating credit unions’ pro rata...
Summary: NCUA Proposed Rule Payday Alternative Loans
NCUA Proposed Rule Payday Alternative Loans Summary Prepared by NASCUS Legislative & Regulatory Affairs Department May 2018 NCUA is proposing to allow federal credit unions (FCUs) to offer an additional...
Summary: Involuntary Liquidation of FCUs
Final Rule Summary: Part 709, Involuntary Liquidation of FCUs and Claims Procedures Prepared by NASCUS Legislative & Regulatory Affairs Department June 2018 NCUA is amending part 709 of its rules...
Summary: Remove 1-4 from MBL
Final Rule Summary: Amendments to Part 723, Commercial Lending, to Remove Non-Owner Occupied 1-4 Family Dwellings from the Definition of a Member Business Loan Prepared by NASCUS Legislative & Regulatory...
Summary: Federal Credit Union Chartering & Field of Membership Final Rule
Part 701 – Federal Credit Union Chartering & Field of Membership Final Rule Prepared by NASCUS Legislative & Regulatory Affairs Department June 2018 NCUA has issued a final rule amending...
Summary: FCU Bylaws and Voluntary Mergers of Federally Insured Credit Unions
Part 701 & 708b – FCU Bylaws and Voluntary Mergers of Federally Insured Credit Unions Final Rule Summary Prepared by NASCUS Legislative & Regulatory Affairs Department July 2018 NCUA has...