CU Association

Summary: Final Rule re: Home Mortgage Disclosures Act’s (HMDA) Temporary Exceptions for Smaller Institutions

Summary: Final Rule re: Home Mortgage Disclosures Act’s (HMDA) Temporary Exceptions for Smaller Institutions 12 CFR Part 1003 Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Prepared by the NASCUS Legislative & Regulatory Division...

Summary: Second Chance IRPS

NCUA Final IRPS Summary Interpretive Ruling & Policy Statement 19-1 2nd Chance IRPS Prepared by NASCUS Legislative & Regulatory Affairs Department November 2019  NCUA has finalized its revisions to the...

Summary: Interpretive Rule re: Truth in Lending (Regulation Z) Screening and Training Requirements for Mortgage Loan Originators with Temporary Authority

Summary: Interpretive Rule re: Truth in Lending (Regulation Z) Screening and Training Requirements for Mortgage Loan Originators with Temporary Authority 12 CFR Part 1026 Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Prepared by...

Summary: Request for Information Regarding the Integrated Mortgage Disclosures under RESPA and TILA Assessment

Summary:  Request for Information Regarding the Integrated Mortgage Disclosures under the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (Regulation X) and the Truth in Lending Act (Regulation Z) Rule Assessment 12 CFR...

Summary: Executive Orders

NASCUS Summary Executive Orders E.O. 13891 Executive Order on Promoting the Rule of Law Through Improved Agency Guidance Documents; and E.O. 13892 Executive Order on Promoting the Rule of Law...

Final Rule Summary: Public Unit and Nonmember Shares

NCUA Final Rule Summary Part 701 and Part 741 Public Unit and Nonmember Shares Prepared by NASCUS Legislative & Regulatory Affairs Department November 2019  NCUA has published a final rule...

Summary: Final Rule Part 715 Supervisory Committee Audits and Verifications

NCUA has published a final rule amending its rules regarding required audits and account verifications for federally insured credit unions. NCUA’s audit rules are found in NCUA’s Rules and Regulations Part 715. For federally insured state credit unions (FISCUs), Part 715 is referenced in Parts 741.6 and 741.202.

NASCUS Summary: Exceptions to Employment Restrictions

NASCUS Summary Proposed IRPS 19-1 Exceptions to Employment Restrictions Under Section 205(d) of the FCUA (‘‘Second Chance IRPS’’) Prepared by NASCUS Legislative & Regulatory Affairs Department September 2019 NCUA is...

Final Rule Summary: Part 713 and Part 704 Fidelity Bond Coverage (741.201)

Final Rule Summary Part 713 and Part 704 Fidelity Bond Coverage (741.201) Prepared by NASCUS Legislative & Regulatory Affairs Department August 2019  NCUA has finalized amendments to Part 713 and...

Summary: NCUA Interim Hemp Guidance

19-RA-02 Serving Hemp Businesses August 2019 NCUA has issued “interim guidance” for credit unions interested in serving the legalized hemp industry. The guidance will be updated as needed as necessary...

Summary: NCUA Proposal, Call Report Modernization

Summary: NCUA Proposal, Call Report Modernization March 2018 NCUA is continuing its initiative, begun in 2016, to update and modernize the 5300 Call Report for credit unions. NCUA has proposed changes that...

Summary: NCUA Proposed Changes to its Bylaws for Federal Credit Unions (FCUs)

Summary: NCUA Proposed Changes to its Bylaws for Federal Credit Unions (FCUs) April 2018 The NCUA Board has issued an advance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPR) to FCUs soliciting comments...