Temporary Final Rule Loan Participations

NCUA Temporary Final Rule: Parts 722 & 741.203 Loan Participations FCU Eligible Obligations FCU Occupancy Prepared by NASCUS Legislative & Regulatory Affairs Department April 2020  NCUA has published a Temporary Final Rule...

Enhancements to CLF Membership & Borrowing Authority

Letters to Credit Unions 20-CU-08 Enhancements to CLF Membership & Borrowing Authority April 2020 NCUA’s LTCU 20-CU-08 provides credit unions information about changes to the Central Liquidity Facility (CLF) as a...

Cybersecurity Considerations for Remote Work

NCUA Risk Alert: 20-Risk-01 Cybersecurity Considerations for Remote Work April 2020 Common cybersecurity risks for remote workers include Malware attacks, Phishing and other social engineering attacks, and Advance Persistent Threat (APT)...

Interim Final Rule: Part 725 Central Liquidity Facility

NCUA Interim Final Rule: Part 725 Central Liquidity Facility Prepared by NASCUS Legislative & Regulatory Affairs Department April 2020 NCUA has published an Interim Final Rule (IFR) making changes to...

Part 704 Corporate Credit Unions

NCUA Proposed Rule: Part 704  Corporate Credit Unions Prepared by NASCUS Legislative & Regulatory Affairs Department April 2020  NCUA is proposing changes to Part 704, the Corporate Credit Union Rule. The...

Residential Appraisals Threshold Increase & Other COVID-19 Related Relief Measures

Letters to Credit Unions 20-CU-10 Residential Appraisals Threshold Increase & Other COVID-19 Related Relief Measures April 2020 NCUA issued LTCU 20-CU-10 to provide information on regulatory relief provided by 2...

Temporary Regulatory Relief in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

Letters to Credit Unions 20-CU-09 Temporary Regulatory Relief in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic April 2020 NCUA’s guidance reviews actions the agency has taken to provide “temporary regulatory relief” to...

Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act

Letters to Credit Unions 20-CU-07 Summary of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act April 2020 NCUA published LTCU 20-CU-07 to summarize HR 748, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic...

Loan Programs to Help Small Businesses and Members During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Letters to Credit Unions 20-CU-06 Loan Programs to Help Small Businesses and Members During the COVID-19 Pandemic April 2020 NCUA’s LTCU 20-CU-06 provides credit unions information on the SBA’s Payroll Protection...

Offsite Examination and Supervision Approach

Letters to Credit Unions 20-CU-05 Offsite Examination and Supervision Approach March 2020 NCUA issued LTCU 20-CU-05 to outline for credit unions the agency’s approach to examination and supervision during the...

Responsible Small-Dollar Lending in Response to COVID-19

Letters to Credit Unions 20-CU-04 Responsible Small-Dollar Lending in Response to COVID-19 March 2020  NCUA issued LTCU 20-CU-04 to alert credit unions that NCUA and the other federal financial regulators...

Identification of Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers During COVID-19

Letters to Credit Unions 20-CU-03 Identification of Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers During COVID-19 March 2020 NCUA released LTCU 20-CU-03 to provide credit unions information on identifying and credentialing essential employees...