New Hampshire

REGULATING AGENCY: New Hampshire Banking Department

New Hampshire State House

LEAGUE: Cooperative Credit Union Association

  • Ron McLean, President/CEO
  • Website:


2024 STATS 
  • Largest SCU: NORTHEAST CU $1.99B in assets
  • Largest FCU: SERVICE FCU $5.52B in assets
First Quarter 2024 SCUs FCUs Total CUs % of SCUs/Total
Total Credit Unions 8 5 13 61.54%
Credit Union Members 0.43M 0.38M 0.81M 53.46%
Credit Union Assets $6.46B $5.92B $12.38B 52.17%


The first free modern public library was opened in 1833. The Peterborough (N.H.) Town Libraries was the first institution funded by a municipality with the explicit purpose of establishing a free library open to all classes of the community.

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