Fraud & Cybersecurity

July 12, 2024: Fraud & Cybersecurity Articles

Supreme Court Opens Door to More APA Challenges by Ruling that Right of Action Accrues When Regulation First Causes Injury

Opinion Can Invite New Challenges to Long-Standing BSA/AML Regulations

Kristen E. Larson, John Culhane, Alan Kaplinsky & Peter D. Hardy, Ballard Spahr

On July 1, 2024, the Supreme Court issued its opinion in Corner Post, Inc. v Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System in which the Court determined when a Section 702 claim under the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) to challenge a final agency action first accrues. In a 6-3 Opinion, the Supreme Court sided with Corner Post in holding that a right of action first accrues when the plaintiff has the right to assert it in court—and in the case of the APA, that is when the plaintiff is injured by final agency action.

This ruling could open the litigation floodgates for industry newcomers to challenge longstanding agency rules. These APA challenges will be further aided by the Supreme Court’s recent overruling of Chevron deference, giving the courts the power to interpret statutes without deferring to the agency’s interpretation.

This development is relevant to potential challenges to anti-money laundering (“AML”) regulations promulgated under the Bank Secrecy Act (“BSA”) or other statutory schemes by the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, the federal functional regulators, the Securities Exchange Commission, and FINRA. Many BSA/AML regulations were promulgated many years ago. Historically, litigation challenges to BSA/AML regulations have been rare. Given the combined effect of recent rulings by the Supreme Court, that could change.

This case involves a convenience store merchant, Corner Post, Inc., that opened its truck stop business in 2018. In 2021, Corner Post sued the Federal Reserve Board seeking to invalidate Regulation II, which the FRB enacted 10 years before to cap interchange fees charged by debit card issuers. Without reaching the merits of the complaint, the district court dismissed the case as time-barred and ruled that the six-year statute of limitations for bringing facial APA claims (28 U.S.C. § 2401(a)) begins to run when a final rule is issued. Read more

RockYou2024: 10 Billion Passwords Leaked In The Largest Compilation of All Time

Vilius Petkauskas, CyberNews

The largest password compilation with nearly ten billion unique passwords was leaked on a popular hacking forum. The Cybernews research team believes the leak poses severe dangers to users prone to reusing passwords.

The king is dead. Long live the king. Cybernews researchers discovered what appears to be the largest password compilation with a staggering 9,948,575,739 unique plaintext passwords. The file with the data, titled rockyou2024.txt, was posted on July 4th by forum user ObamaCare.

While the user registered in late May 2024, they have previously shared an employee database from the law firm Simmons & Simmons, a lead from an online casino AskGamblers, and student applications for Rowan College at Burlington County.

The team cross-referenced the passwords included in the RockYou2024 leak with data from Cybernews’ Leaked Password Checker, which revealed that these passwords came from a mix of old and new data breaches.

“In its essence, the RockYou2024 leak is a compilation of real-world passwords used by individuals all over the world. Revealing that many passwords for threat actors substantially heightens the risk of credential stuffing attacks,” researchers said. Read more

Intuit Class Action Claims Co. Failed to Prevent TurboTax, Credit Karma Data Breach

Anne Bucher, Top Class Actions

Intuit class action lawsuit overview:

  • Who: Plaintiff Joseph Garite filed a class action lawsuit against Intuit Inc.
  • Why: Intuit allegedly failed to adequately safeguard sensitive data which was compromised in a TurboTax and Credit Karma data breach disclosed in March 2024.
  • Where: The TurboTax data breach class action lawsuit was filed in California federal court.

Intuit Inc. failed to adequately protect its computer systems, leaving sensitive data vulnerable to a TurboTax and Credit Karma data breach earlier this year, according to a new class action lawsuit.

Plaintiff Joseph Garite alleges Intuit, the maker of popular software services including TurboTax, Credit Karma, Quickbooks and Mailchimp, failed to maintain reasonable security safeguards and failed to adequately train employees about cybersecurity.

Hackers Target WordPress Calendar Plugin Used By 150,000 Sites

Bill Toulas, Bleeping Computer 

Hackers are trying to exploit a vulnerability in the Modern Events Calendar WordPress plugin that is present on more than 150,000 websites to upload arbitrary files to a vulnerable site and execute code remotely. The plugin is developed by Webnus and is used to organize and manage in-person, virtual, or hybrid events.

The vulnerability exploited in attacks is identified as CVE-2024-5441 and received a high-severity score (CVSS v3.1: 8.8). It was discovered and reported responsibly on May 20 by Friderika Baranyai during Wordfence’s Bug Bounty Extravaganza.

In a report describing the security issue, Wordfence says that the security issue stems from a lack of file type validation in the plugin’s ‘set_featured_image’ function, used for uploading and setting featured images for the events. The function takes an image URL and post ID, tries to get the attachment ID, and if not found, downloads the image using the get_web_page function.

It retrieves the image using wp_remote_get or file_get_contents, and saves it to the WordPress uploads directory using file_put_contents function. Modern Event Calendar versions up to and including 7.11.0 have no checks for the file type of extension in uploaded image files, allowing any file type, including risky .PHP files, to be uploaded. Read more


June 28, 2024: Fraud & Cybersecurity Articles

Evolve Data Breach Adds to Woes of Synapse Partner

Customer data was released to the dark web, the bank said Wednesday, two weeks after the Fed handed Evolve an enforcement action regarding its partnerships.

Dan Ennis, Banking Dive

Evolve Bank & Trust customer data has been breached, the company confirmed Wednesday in a statement on its website. “A known cybercriminal organization … appears to have illegally obtained and released on the dark web the data and personal information of some Evolve customers,” the bank said.

Debit cards, online and digital banking credentials of the firm’s retail-banking customers have not been affected, Evolve said in an update. But the bank is notifying customers of its fintech partners, it said. Evolve did not name the hacking organization, but Bloomberg reported Wednesday that LockBit 3.0 posted data taken from Evolve’s systems on the dark web a day earlier.

Affected information “may have included full name, account number, email address, mailing address, phone number, Social Security number [and] date of birth,” Evolve wrote in its statement. The bank is offering affected customers complimentary credit monitoring services with identity theft monitoring, it said. It did not detail how many customers are affected.

Evolve is communicating with law enforcement to help with an investigation of the matter, the bank said. “Based on what our investigation has found and what we know at this time, we are confident this incident has been contained and there is no ongoing threat,” Evolve said. Read more

New AML Rules Will Change the EU’s Financial Crime Prevention Landscape for Good. But What Will Change in Practice?

Alexandra Jour-Schroeder, European Union

On 24 April, the European Parliament formally endorsed the future Anti-Money Laundering Package, a reform that has been in the making for the past 5 years. Since the European Commission published its proposals in July 2021, and even before, much has been said about how this reform will change the EU’s financial crime prevention landscape for good.

But how will things change in practice? Here are a few simple examples!

Real estate
Criminals often channel money into super fancy mansions and estates. Until now, only information about EU owners has been available to investigative authorities. When the property is owned by a company in a non-EU country, it is extremely hard to identify whether it may have been acquired with illicit funds. The new rules require foreign companies, as well as trusts, that have owned a piece of real estate in the EU since 2014 to record in our beneficial ownership registers who the individuals who own or control the company or trust are. Member States can put the reference date further back in the past, if they consider that certain risks make this necessary.

As the sudden peak in online fraud during the pandemic showed, criminals do not suffer from any kind of digital divide. Yet, any investigator would tell you that of all the means that exist to launder illicit proceeds, cash remains criminals’ preferred choice. Why? Because it’s easy to transfer, fully anonymous and therefore difficult, if not impossible, to trace back to some criminal act. Of course, access to cash is and will remain a right for everybody in the EU and most cash transfers are absolutely clean. The continued acceptance and availability of cash is an important issue for our consumers, including for financial inclusion. Read more

SolarWinds Serv-U Vulnerability Under Active Attack – Patch Immediately

The Hacker News

SolarWinds Serv-U VulnerabilityA recently patched high-severity flaw impacting SolarWinds Serv-U file transfer software is being actively exploited by malicious actors in the wild.

The vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2024-28995 (CVSS score: 8.6), concerns a directory transversal bug that could allow attackers to read sensitive files on the host machine. Affecting all versions of the software prior to and including Serv-U 15.4.2 HF 1, it was addressed by the company in version Serv-U 15.4.2 HF 2 ( released earlier this month.

The list of products susceptible to CVE-2024-28995 is below –

  • Serv-U FTP Server 15.4
  • Serv-U Gateway 15.4
  • Serv-U MFT Server 15.4, and
  • Serv-U File Server 15.4

Security researcher Hussein Daher of Web Immunify has been credited with discovering and reporting the flaw. Following the public disclosure, additional technical details and a proof-of-concept (PoC) exploit have since been made available.

Cybersecurity firm Rapid7 described the vulnerability as trivial to exploit and that it allows external unauthenticated attackers to read any arbitrary file on disk, including binary files, assuming they know the path to that file and it’s not locked. Read more

Leader of Money Laundering and Bank Fraud Ring Sentenced to Seven Years in Prison

U.S. Attorney’s Office, Southern District of New York

Damian Williams, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced that ADEDAYO JOHN was sentenced today by U.S. District Judge Loretta A. Preska to seven years in prison for his role as a leader of a money laundering and bank fraud ring that laundered millions of dollars in proceeds derived from business email compromises and romance fraud schemes impacting more than 50 victims. JOHN previously pled guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit money laundering and one count of conspiracy to commit bank fraud on January 4, 2024. In total, 11 defendants have pled guilty for their roles in the money laundering and bank fraud schemes.

Victims were typically defrauded in one of two ways. In some instances, business email compromise fraud schemes were used to trick businesses into transferring funds to bank accounts the victims believed were under the control of legitimate recipients of the funds as part of normal business operations, when in fact the bank accounts were under the control of the defendants or their co-conspirators. In other instances, romance scams were used, primarily through electronic messages sent via email, text messaging, social media, or online dating websites, to deceive victims – many of whom were older men and women – into believing they were in romantic relationships with fake identities, and then using false pretenses to cause the victims to transfer funds to bank accounts controlled by the defendants or their co-conspirators.

As a result of these frauds, law enforcement officers have identified transfers of more than $19 million into bank accounts under the control of the defendants. Read more

June 21, 2024: Fraud & Cybersecurity Articles

7 Warning Signs Your Computer Has Been Hacked — And What to Do

If something doesn’t seem right, it’s time to run some scans.

Chris Hoffman, PC World

Your antivirus will protect you from many online threats, but no antivirus is perfect. Truth is, your PC can still be hacked even if you’re using reputable security software with a solid track record. When we talk about your computer possibly being “hacked,” that’s exactly what we mean: a cybercriminal has gained access to your PC and compromised it in some way.

The hacker in question may be a criminal organization that’s installing malware on millions of PCs (e.g., to spy on you and steal your credit card numbers), or the hacker may be an individual using a remote access Trojan (RAT) to personally spy on you through your webcam.

Here some common warning signs that your PC might’ve been hacked, exposing your personal data and system resources.

Is something fishy? Run an antivirus scan
First things first: If you’re concerned that your computer has a virus or another type of malware, you should run a scan with an antivirus program—ideally one of our recommended antivirus software picks.

You should also consider using the free Norton Power Eraser (or a similar tool). Tools like this will reboot your PC into a special scanning environment outside of Windows so they can spot and remove malware like rootkits that normally evade detection. Perhaps you’ve already run a scan. If your scan didn’t find anything wrong but you’re still concerned, I recommend getting a second opinion. Read more

Swiss Regulator Finds HSBC Violated Money Laundering Rules

Finma bans bank’s Swiss subsidiary from taking on prominent public figures as clients

Owen Walker, Financial Times

Switzerland’s financial regulator has banned HSBC’s Swiss private bank from taking on prominent public figures as clients after finding the lender violated anti-money laundering regulations.

Finma imposed a range of penalties on HSBC’s subsidiary in relation to a case that involved several transactions between 2002 and 2015 in which more than $300mn was transferred between Lebanon and Switzerland.

HSBC failed to notify authorities about the transactions until September 2020, despite closing the accounts down in 2016 because of the risks of maintaining the relationships.

“In its checks, the bank failed to recognise the indications of money laundering presented by these transactions; it likewise failed to satisfy requirements for the initiation and continuation of customer relationships with politically exposed persons, and was thus in serious breach of its due diligence obligations,” Finma said.

As part of the sanctions handed down on Tuesday, Finma ordered HSBC to carry out an anti-money laundering review of all its high-risk relationships and business dealings withprominent public clients, known as politically exposed persons. Finma said the bank couldnot start new relationships with PEPs until it had completed its review. Finma and HSBC declined to name the former clients involved in the case. Read more

Security Bug Allows Anyone to Spoof Microsoft Employee Emails

Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai, Tech Crunch

A researcher has found a bug that allows anyone to impersonate Microsoft corporate email accounts, making phishing attempts look credible and more likely to trick their targets.

As of this writing, the bug has not been patched. To demonstrate the bug, the researcher sent an email to TechCrunch that looked like it was sent from Microsoft’s account security team.

Last week, Vsevolod Kokorin, also known online as Slonser, wrote on X (formerly Twitter) that he found the email-spoofing bug and reported it to Microsoft, but the company dismissed his report after saying it couldn’t reproduce his findings. This prompted Kokorin to publicize the bug on X, without providing technical details that would help others exploit it.

“Microsoft just said they couldn’t reproduce it without providing any details,” Kokorin told TechCrunch in an online chat. “Microsoft might have noticed my tweet because a few hours ago they reopen [sic] one of my reports that I had submitted several months ago.”

The bug, according to Kokorin, only works when sending the email to Outlook accounts. Still, that is a pool of at least 400 million users all over the world, according to Microsoft’s latest earnings report. Read more

Dallas-Based Frontier Communications Hit with Multiple Class Action Lawsuits

Nadia El-Yaouti, Law Commentary

The Dallas-based company Frontier Communications is facing at least six class action lawsuits after it was hit with a cyber data breach attack in April. The widespread attack resulted in the personally identifiable information (PII) of over 750,000 customers being stolen by the criminal ransomware group RansomHub. Nearly 90,000 of those victims are Texans.

Three of those lawsuits were filed in the Northern District of Texas earlier this month and accused the business of not doing enough to safeguard and properly maintain its network systems and databases. As a result of the company’s negligence and recklessness, the plaintiffs say that they and other victims are now more susceptible to identity theft. One lawsuit maintains that “Frontier knew or should have known that its electronic records would be targeted by cybercriminals.”

Frontier detected the attack on April 14 when the IT department noted abnormal activity on the company’s networks. According to RansomHub, Frontier ignored contact from the criminal group for nearly two months. The contact was likely to demand a ransom payment in exchange for the stolen data. After Frontier ignored and failed to comply with the demand, the criminal group published the stolen data. Among the data were names, birthdates, social security numbers, addresses, and other personal information.

Frontier disclosed that it was the victim of a cyberattack to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in May. Under the SEC’s disclosure rules, companies are required to report cybersecurity incidents within four business day. Read more


June 14, 2024: Fraud & Cybersecurity Articles

Alarming Cybersecurity Stats: What You Need to Know in 2024

Chuck Brooks, Forbes

There is no doubt that 2023 was a tough year for cyber security. The amount of data breaches keeps rising from previous years, which was already very scary. An exponential rise in the complexity and intensity of cyberattacks like social engineering, ransomware, and DDOS attacks was also seen. This was mostly made possible by hackers using AI tools.

The last few years have seen a steady rise in the cost of breaches. By letting people work from home, companies created new security holes that hackers can use from their home offices. These holes made the cyber-attack area much bigger.

In addition, the prevalence of malware, and hackers in all commercial verticals has made everyone connected to the internet more susceptible to being breached. There are just too many criminal adversaries and too many entry points available to be reined in and mitigated. Unfortunately, in 2024, the cyber statistics will continue to remain alarming.

Most businesses lack a clear AI adoption roadmap: McKinsey.

Usage has doubled among businesses in the last year, but CIOs still have a laundry list of to-do’s to prepare the tech foundation and governance structure.

  • “Generative AI adoption in the workplace is on the rise, but organizations aren’t equipped to guide usage adequately, according to a McKinsey global survey published Thursday. The company surveyed 1,363 organizations, 878 of which regularly use generative AI in at least one function.
  • While generative AI high performers are more likely to adhere to best practices, around 3 in 4 nonleading businesses lack an enterprise wide roadmap for generative AI, the report found. Less than 2 in 5 respondents said senior leaders understand how the technology can create value for the business.” Read more

City of Cleveland Scrambling to Restore Systems Following Cyberattack

Ionut Arghire, Security Week

The City of Cleveland is struggling to restore certain services that have been affected by a cyberattack earlier this week.

The incident was disclosed on June 10, when the city announced that it took its systems offline as a containment measure.

“City Hall and Erieview are closed today June 10, except for essential staff, as we investigate a cyber incident. We have shut down affected systems to secure and restore services. Emergency services and utilities are not affected. Updates will be provided as available,” the city announced on X.

While Cleveland re-opened both the City Hall and its satellite offices at Erieview Plaza on Wednesday, it decided to close the City Hall again for the remainder of the week, as it continues to work on restoring shut-down systems. “City services will not be available to the public at City Hall tomorrow, June 13 and Friday, June 14. City Hall will be open for employees,” Cleveland announced, advising the public to wait for further information on when services will be restored.

The city said it has been working with key partners to investigate the nature and scope of the incident, noting that taxpayer information held by the CCA and customer information held by Public Utilities are confirmed to have not been affected by the attack. Cleveland also announced that basic city services, including emergency services, public works, public utilities, airport, and online payments were not affected. The Municipal Courts continued to function normally, as they are on a different system.

“Residents are encouraged to use online services or call 311 for more information. We ask for the public’s patience as the city continues its effort to restore system access and broadly recover from the incident in a safe and strategic manner,” Cleveland said. The city shared no information on the identity of the attackers or on whether file-encrypting ransomware was used, albeit taking systems offline is the typical response to a ransomware attack.

Frontier Hackers Threaten to Release Private Data For At Least 750,000 Customers

Jess Weatherbed, the Verge

Frontier Communications has revealed that information for over 750,000 customers — including full names and Social Security numbers — was exposed in a data breach following a cyberattack on April 14th. Hackers claim to have even more and will release it unless Frontier pays a ransom.

The attack enabled hackers to access 751,895 customers’ personal data on Frontier’s systems according to a sample of the notice Frontier submitted to the Office of the Maine Attorney General. Frontier has notified impacted customers and provided them with one year of free credit monitoring and identity theft services, but says it “does not believe” customer financial information was exposed in the breach.

Bleeping Computer reports that the RansomHub extortion group claimed responsibility for the attack on June 4th and is threatening to leak the 5GB of customer data it allegedly stole unless Frontier responds to their demands by June 14th. The group claims the stolen dataset contains information belonging to two million Frontier customers, including their full name, physical address, date of birth, social security number, email address, credit score, and phone number.

Frontier says it’s bolstered its network security following the attack and notified both regulatory authorities and law enforcement. A securities filing reveals that the company was forced to shut down some of its systems to contain the incident.

The Verge’s Tom Warren and David Pierce discuss the announcements from Microsoft’s Surface event, including the new Arm-powered Surface Laptop, and Copilot Plus PCs. Verge senior AI reporter Kyle Robison joins the show to chat about OpenAI’s GPT-4o demo and where we’re headed in the next few years of AI. Nilay Patel answers a question about iPads for this week’s Vergecast Hotline.

National Internet Safety Month: This June, Take 4 Easy Steps to Stay Safe Online

By Trent Frazier, Deputy Assistant Director, CISA Stakeholder Engagement Division

The U.S. Senate first designated June as National Internet Safety Month in 2005, primarily to raise awareness of internet dangers and highlight the need for education about online safety, especially among young people. In the years since then, with the rise of smartphones, social media and other new technologies, the amount of time people spend online has grown enormously—as have the risks.

Yet, as data from numerous studies show, the nation needs more education and training about the risks we face online and how to stay safe when using connected devices.

Most of the time, cyberattacks occur due to poor cyber hygiene…the basics. Fortunately, there are four simple things we can all do to help protect ourselves and, by extension, others:

  1. Use strong passwords. “Strong” means at least 16 characters, random, and unique to each account. Use a password manager to automatically generate, store, and fill in passwords for you.
  2. Turn on multifactor authentication (MFA). MFA provides an extra layer of security in addition to a password when logging into accounts and apps, like a fingerprint, a code from an authenticator app, or a code sent to your phone. Enable it on any account that offers it, especially your email, social media, and financial accounts.
  3. Update software. When devices, apps, or software programs notify us that updates are available, install them as soon as possible. Updates fix security risks to better protect our data. Turn on automatic updates to make it even easier.
  4. Recognize and report phishing. Learn to recognize signs of phishing—messages designed to trick you into downloading malware (malicious programs) or giving personal information to a criminal. If an offer is too good to be true, it’s probably social engineering. If the message is alarming and requires urgent action, it might be a phishing message.  Do not click or engage—report the phish and delete the message.

CISA offers a variety of free resources to implement these steps and spread the word to friends and family. Our new cybersecurity awareness program Secure Our World provides many resources for improving online safety, such as short how-to videos on the four actions above, tip sheets in 10 languages, and more.

As the school year ends, take this opportunity to discuss the importance of these basic precautions with family and friends. You wouldn’t drive your car without buckling your seatbelt.  I buckle my seatbelt so I can be safe. I ask passengers to do the same so they can be safe. If you take these four easy steps to better cyber hygiene when online, your family and the devices you use every day will be much safer and ready for summer fun in just a few minutes.


June 7, 2024: Fraud & Cybersecurity Articles

Hackers Claim to Have Bank Account Details of 30M Santander Customers


Hackers are trying to sell what they claim are the bank account details of 30 million Santander customers for $2 million. 

Earlier this month, Santander confirmed that a data breach at a third party provider had exposed some client and employee data.

Now, in a post on a hacking forum, the ShinyHunters gang is offering to sell a trove of data, including 30 million bank account details; 28 million credit card numbers; six million account numbers and balances; and HR information on the bank’s 200,000 staffers.

The asking price is $2 million, says the post, adding: “Santander is also very welcome if they want to buy this data.” Earlier this week, the ShinyHunters hackers also claimed responsibility for an attack on TicketMaster. They have previously hit telco AT&T.

However, according to the BBC, experts are urging caution, suggesting that the TicketMaster sale may have been a stunt to bring attention to a new hacking forum replacing one that the police had taken down.

In a statement on the attack two weeks ago, Santander said a bank database hosted by a third party had been accessed. The breach, it said, affected operations in Spain, Chile and Uruguay.

Added the bank: “No transactional data, nor any credentials that would allow transactions to take place on accounts are contained in the database, including online banking details and passwords. The bank’s operations and systems are not affected, so customers can continue to transact securely.”

Related Reading:

Google Chrome Deadline—72 Hours to Update or Delete Your Browser

Zak Doffman, Forbes

For Google Chrome and its 2 billion-plus desktop users, May will go down as a month to forget: four zero-days and emergency update warnings inside 10 days launched a tidal wave of wall-to-wall headlines that were hard to miss.

The U.S. government has warned federal employees to install May’s emergency updates or to cease using Chrome. They issued a June 3 deadline for the first of those updates to be applied and a June 6 update for the second. June 3 has now passed, and so you should have already applied the first update. This is a timely reminder that you must ensure you have applied the second update within the next 72 hours. Clearly, when you update your browser, all fixes to that point will be applied.

Others organizations should do the same and mandate full employee compliance, as should personal users. Google rushed out emergency fixes for a reason. The U.S. government warnings come via its Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, adding May’s Chrome warnings to its Known Exploited Vulnerabilities (KEV) catalog, which details “vulnerabilities that have been exploited in the wild.”

It looks like June 3 has been a significant day all round for Chrome. Not only was that the U.S. government’s first update cutoff, but it’s also the day Google started to pull the plug on many Manifest V2 extensions as its rollout of Manifest V3 takes shape.

While this will affect multiple developers and enterprises, headlines have focused on the detrimental effect this will have on ad blockers, which will need to adopt a complex workaround to work as now. There is a risk that users reading those headlines might seek to delay updating their browser, to prevent any ad blocker issues; you really shouldn’t go down this road—the security update is critical. Read more

The Hacker Newsroom

The U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ) on Wednesday said it dismantled what it described as “likely the world’s largest botnet ever,” which consisted of an army of 19 million infected devices that was leased to other threat actors to commit a wide array of offenses.

The botnet, which has a global footprint spanning more than 190 countries, functioned as a residential proxy service known as 911 S5. A 35-year-old Chinese national, YunHe Wang, was arrested in Singapore on May 24, 2024, for creating and acting as the primary administrator of the illegal platform from 2014 to July 2022.

Wang has been charged with conspiracy to commit computer fraud, substantive computer fraud, conspiracy to commit wire fraud, and conspiracy to commit money laundering. If convicted on all counts, Wang faces a maximum penalty of 65 years in prison.

The Justice Department said the botnet was used to carry out cyber attacks, financial fraud, identity theft, child exploitation, harassment, bomb threats, and export violations.

It’s worth noting that Wang was identified as the proprietor of 911 S5 by security journalist Brian Krebs in July 2022, following which the service abruptly shut down on July 28, 2022, citing a data breach of its key components.

Although it was resurrected under a different brand name called CloudRouter a few months later, according to Spur, the service has since ceased operations sometime this past weekend, the cybersecurity company’s co-founder Riley Kilmer told Krebs. Read more

May 31, 2024: Fraud & Cybersecurity Articles

Google’s New AI Search Goes Horribly Wrong—M Is for Malware

Zak Doffman, Forbes

Be careful what you search for—that’s the message, as Google’s new AI search suddenly delivers up a nasty menu of dangerous malware and scams…

Well, this is awkward. As the world waits to see the transition from traditional search to the newer, sparklier, more exciting AI alternative, the first update out the traps is not what we expected and appears to have gone horribly wrong.

Google wants to “supercharge search with generative AI,” and has launched its new SGE—or Search Generative Experience to give users an early taste of how this more powerful, contextual mechanism will transform boring old search results.

But last week, one SEO consultant playing with the new technology discovered pretty obvious scams within the results. Bleeping Computer confirmed the results, warning that “Google’s new AI-powered ‘Search Generative Experience’ algorithms recommend scam sites that redirect visitors to unwanted Chrome extensions, fake iPhone giveaways, browser spam subscriptions, and tech support scams.”

And the issue with generative AI, of course, is that dangers come dressed up in nice, friendly, chatty language to which we have not yet honed our defenses.

Google told Bleeping Computer that “we continue to update our advanced spam-fighting systems to keep spam out of Search, and we utilize these anti-spam protections to safeguard SGE.” They also confirmed that “we’ve taken action under our policies to remove the examples shared, which were showing up for uncommon queries.” I have approached Google for any further comments on these issues. Read more

Alleged Ticketmaster Data Breach Sees 560M Users’ Info for Sale in Hacking Forum

Aldohn Domingo, Tech Times

Ticketmaster has reportedly been breached by the hacking group ShinyHunters, as claimed by the group. The breach compromises the sensitive data of 560 million users, as it is currently on sale for $500,000 in a hacking forum.

Allegedly, ShinyHunters gained access to many private user data, including complete names, email addresses, phone numbers, addresses, order information, and partial credit card information. The last four digits of credit card numbers, expiration dates, customer names, and even information on customer fraud are among the specific payment data exposed.

If confirmed, the data breach might have serious repercussions for the impacted users, including the possibility of identity theft, financial fraud, and other cyberattacks. The hacker gang’s daring move to sell this data further demonstrates the threat that cybercrime poses and the increasing sophistication of these adversaries.

According to the infamous hacker collective ShinyHunters, Ticketmaster-Live Nation’s security was broken, exposing the personal information of an astounding 560 million members. Now, Breach Forums is offering this enormous 1.3 terabyte of data for a one-time sale of $500,000.

Ticketmaster, the US-based ticket-selling company, could potentially be another major firm this month to confirm it suffered a data breach within its systems. Read more

The Escalating Threat of Mortgage Fraud

Joe Wilson & Sarah Atkinson, Financial Services Perspectives

Mortgage companies must maintain a heightened level of vigilance when it comes to preventing mortgage fraud. The incidence of fraud attempts targeting mortgage companies continues to rise, prompting decisive action against this threat. In a criminal complaint filed on April 23, 2024, in the U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) leveled charges against two former mortgage loan originators (MLOs) for conspiracy to commit bank fraud, one of who was recognized as a “top producing loan originator” and named Scotsman Guide’s fourth-ranked MLO in America in 2022. While the news of this type of fraud is shocking, it unfortunately is very common.

The Charges, Market Trends
Fraudulent behavior within the financial services arena is not uncommon. According to a recent study published by LexisNexis, businesses in the home lending segment saw an increase of 34.6% in monthly fraud attempts in 2023. Over half of those fraud attempts were successful, costing lenders nearly 4.5 times the lost transaction value, including fines, fees and investigative costs. Notably, mortgage fraud due to fraudulent “scams” was up 51% in 2023.

These statistics and the DOJ’s pending suit should be a wake-up call for businesses in the mortgage space. According to the allegations in the DOJ’s complaint, Christopher Gallo and Mehmet Elmas were employed by an unidentified “financial institution” during the period in question; Elmas served as Gallo’s assistant as well as an MLO. The allegations against Gallo and Elmas include benefiting from mortgage loans with reduced interest rates and fabricating property records.

More specifically, the complaint asserts that, from 2018 to 2023, Gallo and Elmas used their positions to conspire and engage in a fraudulent scheme to falsify loan origination documents to obtain mortgage loans based on false and fraudulent pretenses, representations, and promises, and that the two routinely misled mortgage lenders about the intended use of particular properties to fraudulently secure lower mortgage interest rates from mortgage lenders. Read more

Inside a Zelle Fraud That Almost Lost a Florida Consumer $3,500

Penny Crosman, American Banker

Just after 8:00 a.m. on Monday, April 24, Margaret Menotti was writing a report for a client.

“I heard my phone ding, and I got a text from Bank of America saying there was suspicious fraud activity on my account,” said Menotti, a freelance media relations professional who works from her home in Venice, Florida.

Immediately after that, she got a phone call from someone who said they worked in Bank of America’s fraud department and they had seen suspicious activity on her account. The caller asked if she had made two Zelle transactions: a $109 payment for sporting event tickets and a one-cent transaction. Menotti doesn’t use Zelle.

“I closed out what I was doing, got into my bank account and said, yeah, I didn’t make these,” Menotti said in an interview. “She said, don’t worry about it, we’re here to help you, we can immediately reverse these.” The caller also asked Menotti if she knew someone named Doug Bland who lives in Denver. Menotti said no. Bland was trying to put through two Zelle transactions from Menotti’s accounts, one from her savings account, the other from her checking account, the woman said.

“I said, well, that’s not authorized, I don’t know anybody by that name,” Menotti said. Read more

May 23, 2024: Fraud & Cybersecurity Articles

Beware – Your Customer Chatbot is Almost Certainly Insecure: Report

As chatbots become more adventurous, the dangers will increase.

Kevin Townsend, Security Week
Customer chatbots built on top of general purpose gen-AI engines are proliferating. They are easy to develop but hard to secure.

In January 2024, Ashley Beauchamp ‘tricked’ DPD’s chatbot into behaving unconventionally. The chatbot told him how bad DPD’s service is, swore, and even composed a disparaging haiku about its owner:

  • DPD is a useless
  • Chatbot that can’t help you.
  • Don’t bother calling them.

DPD shut down the chatbot and blamed an error following an update (fuller story from Ivona Gudelj on LinkedIn). Others were not so sure – the output bears all the hallmarks of ‘jailbreaking’, or breaching AI’s guardrails through prompt engineering.

Immersive Labs was not surprised. From June to September 2023, it ran a public online challenge to determine whether, and if so, how easily, a chatbot could be jailbroken by prompt engineering. The results, just published and analyzed, are not reassuring. More than 34,500 participants completed the challenge of obtaining secret information from an Immersive Labs chatbot (ILGPT) set at ten increasingly protected levels. By collecting and analyzing the attempts at prompt engineering, the firm was able to gauge the psychology of prompt engineers, and the security of chatbots.

First, we need to understand chatbots. They generally sit on top of one of the large-scale publicly available gen-AI systems, most often ChatGPT. Immersive Labs’ test chatbot used ChatGPT 3.5. They are constructed via the ChatGPT API, and given customer-specific instructions and guardrails. User queries are passed through the chatbot to ChatGPT where they are processed (customer data acquired in this way is not added to ChatGPT’s reinforcement training data) before the ‘answers’ are sent back to the chatbot for delivery to the user.

In theory, the users’ queries and the chatbot’s replies are protected by ChatGPT’s guardrails and the chatbot’s additional guardrails and instructions, as applied by the chatbot developer. The Immersive Labs chatbot challenge demonstrates this may not be enough. At a low level of difficulty (the chatbot was simply instructed not to reveal the word ‘password’), eighty-eight percent of the prompt injection challenge participants successfully tricked the ILGPT chatbot into revealing ‘password’. Read more

6 Mistakes Organizations Make When Deploying Advanced Authentication

The Hacker News

Deploying advanced authentication measures is key to helping organizations address their weakest cybersecurity link: their human users. Having some form of 2-factor authentication in place is a great start, but many organizations may not yet be in that spot or have the needed level of authentication sophistication to adequately safeguard organizational data. When deploying advanced authentication measures, organizations can make mistakes, and it is crucial to be aware of these potential pitfalls.

1. Failing to conduct a risk assessment

A comprehensive risk assessment is a vital first step to any authentication implementation. An organization leaves itself open to risk if it fails to assess current threats and vulnerabilities, systems and processes or needed level of protections required for different applications and data.

Not all applications demand the same levels of security. For example, an application that handles sensitive customer information or financials may require stronger authentication measures compared to less critical systems. Without a risk assessment, organizations won’t be able to effectively categorize and prioritize what needs additional authentication.

Hence, the a need for elevating organizational security with advanced authentication.

On top of that, not all users need access to all applications or data. For example, a user in marketing doesn’t need access to sensitive HR data. By evaluating roles as part of a risk assessment, organizations can look to implement role-based access controls (RBAC) which ensure that users in a particular role only have access to the data and applications needed to complete their work.

2. Not completing due diligence to integrate authentication with current systems

Considering compatibility with existing systems, especially legacy ones, is essential to ensure a cohesive authentication framework across an entire infrastructure. Adhering to industry-standard authentication methods is crucial. This may involve recoding application frontends to adopt OIDC (OpenID Connect) or SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) flows. Many vendors offer toolkits that simplify this process to help ensure seamless integration. Read more

Spyware Found on U.S. Hotel Check-In Computers

Zack Whittaker, Tech Crunch

The check-in computers at several hotels around the US are running a remote access app, which is leaking screenshots of guest information to the internet

A consumer-grade spyware app has been found running on the check-in systems of at least three Wyndham hotels across the United States, TechCrunch has learned.

The app, called pcTattletale, stealthily and continually captured screenshots of the hotel booking systems, which contained guest details and customer information. Thanks to a security flaw in the spyware, these screenshots are available to anyone on the internet, not just the spyware’s intended users.

This is the most recent example of consumer-grade spyware exposing sensitive information because of a security flaw in the spyware itself. It’s also the second known time that pcTattletale has exposed screenshots of the devices on which the app is installed. Several other spyware apps in recent years had security bugs or misconfigurations that exposed the private and personal data of unwitting device owners, in some cases prompting action by government regulators.

Guest and reservation details captured and exposed
pcTattletale allows whomever controls it to remotely view the target’s Android or Windows device and its data, from anywhere in the world. pcTattletale’s website says the app “runs invisibly in the background on their workstations and can not be detected.” Read more

The Seven Layers of Cybersecurity Defense

Brian Henderson, CU*Answers/CUSO Magazine

In the world of cybersecurity, there is a constant battle to protect our information. As the world moves deeper into the digital age of security, the defenses credit unions provide as holders of sensitive information are becoming ever more critical and the tools to perform breaches are becoming more advanced. Having your members’ sensitive information locked down is vital as it builds the trust of your clients in any industry, and trust is key to doing business.

Cybercriminals are just that, criminals, and they are looking to take anything they can to benefit not only themselves but any others they may be working for. Any information that is available to them can be used to help them piece together many facets of your credit union and your members.

To keep these criminals out of your members’ data, you need to understand and reinforce your seven layers of defense.

The seven layers
So what makes up the seven layers? What purpose does each one serve, and how can we best strengthen each layer in order to keep cybercriminals out? Let’s break it down layer by layer and examine what each of the seven layers of defense looks like.

  1. The human layer

This can often be regarded as the most vulnerable layer. This layer involves implementing practices and policies that ensures contractors, employees, and other users do not fall into the clutches of phishing and other attacks. Phishing attacks are the most frequent due to a lack of knowledge or training. These are simple threats that can have a large impact. Read more

May 17, 2024: Fraud and Cybersecurity Articles

Seasons of Fraud: How Fraud Patterns Shift Throughout the Year


The end-of-the-year flurry of holiday shopping is a classic example of business seasonality. As fraud professionals have long observed, fraud activity also follows seasonal patterns, with seasonal upticks and slow-downs. The challenge has been reacting to seasonality with precision in real-time, instead of just recognizing them in the rear-view mirror. And new data shows that this seasonality doesn’t correlate to the business year as much as one might expect—fraudsters have a seasonal calendar all their own.

In a recent PaymentsJournal podcast, NeuroID Head of Operational Strategy Nash Ali and Tracy Kitten, Director of Fraud & Security at Javelin Strategy & Research, discussed the seasonality of fraud. They analyzed the methods criminals use and offered solutions to keep businesses safe.

Winter Fraud
Fraud attempts are rising overall, up 57% from 2022 to 2023. Due to the holiday frenzy, December might seem like the logical peak of fraudulent activity.

“In fact, it’s January,” Ali said. “January has a 78% higher fraud attack rate than the average monthly rate. That includes a 59% increase in application fraud, where criminals falsify data or misrepresent themselves to business owners. There’s also an 85% increase in the hours businesses are under attack in January compared to the rest of the year.”

After a February slowdown, there’s a 44% higher fraud attack rate in March compared with the typical monthly average. A higher portion of March attacks consists of identity fraud, identity theft, or creating synthetic identities with bots and scripts. After another lull in April, fraud picks back up in May.

“We see 50% more application fraud in May compared to monthly averages,” Ali said. “A lot of that fraud is concentrated fraud attacks committed via fraud rings. After a slow summer, fraud rates pick back up in the fall, peaking again in October.” Read more

Collaboration is the key to beating fraud without causing friction for customers

Roenen Ben Ami, JUSTT.AI

For today’s enterprises, “friendly fraud” and illegitimate credit-card chargebacks are a serious problem: at least 40% of businesses lose 1% of their total revenues to bogus chargebacks, and well over half say they see chargeback rates climb year-on-year. Putting systems in place to mitigate these revenue losses can be tough. However, excessive scrutiny of individual transactions can sour customer relationships while collecting data and managing disputes at scale create enormous logistical headaches for internal teams.

To figure out how successful organizations handle these challenges, I headed to Payments MAGnified in Dallas to host a panel with Best Buy execs Jen Renner, Associate Manager for eCommerce Fraud Risk, and Ryan O’Connor, Senior Finance Manager. They had some great insights about the need for cross-team collaboration and strong partnerships to drive effective chargeback mitigation, and I wanted to take this opportunity to share a few of their most important points with a broader audience.

  1. Chargeback mitigation is a balancing act. It’s tempting to think of chargebacks as a narrow or esoteric piece of the payments landscape — but nothing could be further from the truth. It’s not just the financial losses, which can reach $5 million a year for a business with $500M in annual sales. It’s also the fact that handling chargebacks effectively requires input from a wide range of internal stakeholders, including in-house fraud mitigation teams, operations and customer support divisions, and finance and IT leaders. An effective mitigation strategy has to help all those different stakeholders come together — and it has to do so in a way that balances the need to reduce chargebacks with the need to provide delightful and frictionless experiences for customers. “You need to ensure that all those teams understand that there will always be some risks,” said Renner. “The goal should be to find common ground where teams can minimize risk while still providing a super-seamless experience for customers.” Read more

Intellicheck Posts Record Quarter as Identity Fraud Continues to Run Rampant  

As identity fraud continues to plague business verticals from banking to automotive and even higher education, verification company Intellicheck posted record Q1 earnings Monday (May 13).

“The landscape of the market for identity verification is evolving against the backdrop of a growing sense of urgency being fueled by across-the-board incidents of identity theft and fraud,” Intellicheck CEO Bryan Lewis told the company’s earnings call. “This has led to a significant new focus on security and the consumers’ user experience, and businesses in every market vertical are feeling the effects of identity theft.

“Consumers are sending a clear message to businesses of every size in every market vertical. They want better protection. They do not want to be burdened with time-consuming, arduous processes to get that protection, and they will take their business elsewhere if they don’t get what they want in a user-friendly process.”

By the numbers, the company reported a 10% increase in Q1 revenue, reaching $4.68 million, up from $4.25 million in the same period last year. Software-as-a-service (SaaS) revenue also saw a 9% rise to $4.61 million.

Lewis attributed the growth to heightened demand for robust yet user-friendly identity verification amid escalating identity theft and fraud incidents. Gross profit margin remained high at 90.7%, slightly down from 92.2% in Q1 2023. Operating expenses dropped by 10% to $4.77 million, bolstered by reduced non-cash equity compensation. Net loss improved significantly to $442,000, or $0.02 per diluted share, compared to a loss of $1.39 million, or $0.07 per share, a year earlier.

During the earnings call, Lewis detailed the company’s strategic initiatives and new ventures, emphasizing the rise in identity theft and fraud across various sectors. Read more

Positive Pay: An Underused Tool for Fighting Check Fraud


Even though the number of checks written continues to decline, mail theft remains on the rise. Beyond the theft of checks directly from mailboxes, there have been instances of stolen mail trucks. The ease of modifying checks allows criminals to simply wash and modify the payee’s name.

Q2’s positive pay system, used by roughly 550 banks across the country, is on track to stop more than $2.5 billion in fraud this year. In a recent PaymentsJournal podcast, Bruce Dragoo, Manager, Solutions Consultant for Q2, and John Byl, SVP Product Development at Mercantile Bank of Michigan—a Q2 customer—discussed how to get people on board to combat check fraud with Albert Bodine, Director, Commercial and Enterprise Payments for Javelin Strategy & Research.

A Problem for Businesses of All Sizes
In 2022, around $720 million of fraud was identified and stopped by Q2’s positive pay system. Last year, that number doubled to $1.4 billion. “It seems like it’s wider-reaching at this point and coming downstream to smaller businesses,” Byl said. “It had been historically viewed as a large corporate need, but it’s indiscriminate at this point—and it’s affecting everybody.”

A third of commercial payments globally are still made by check, which presents a huge opportunity for criminals. But only 30% of eligible businesses use positive pay, which matches the details on a check to the details on file with the bank to ensure its validity. Some related solutions cover just checks, and others cover ACH transactions, but they don’t address the gamut of everything a business may need. Read more


May 10, 2024: Fraud and Cybersecurity Articles

New Report: Authorized Fraud Scams Damaging to Bank-Customer Relationships


Despite ongoing efforts to educate consumers on protecting themselves against financial crime, increasing authorized fraud and scam instances are nightmares for banks and their customers. Authorized fraud, which targets customers or bank employees, is particularly troubling.

34%: Share of authorized party fraud transaction volume in which the authorized party was scammedPYMNTS Intelligence finds that 43% of the fraudulent transactions that financial institutions (FIs) report are authorized fraud. Product and service or trust/relationship scams are common. With fraud and financial crime an ever-growing reality for FIs of all sizes, the result is often financial loss. Adopting fraud prevention measures such as machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) has increased FIs’ confidence in protecting customers, employees and themselves from fraud-related financial losses.

These are just some of the findings detailed in “Leveraging AI and ML to Thwart Scammers,” a PYMNTS Intelligence and Hawk collaboration. This report explores the impact of authorized fraud scams on FIs and their customers. We surveyed 200 U.S. FIs with more than $1 billion in assets between March 20, 2023, and June 16, 2023. The survey examined how they perceive the fraud risks and the impact of the technology solutions used to mitigate losses.

Other key findings from the report include:63%: Portion of FIs reporting incidents of tech support scams

Scams represent one-third of authorized fraud and are the most harmful to customer finances.

The second-most common type of authorized fraud is scams, representing 34% of incidents. Scammers manipulate or deceive the authorized party to get them to make a payment. Scams are particularly concerning because they negatively impact customer satisfaction and retention. Moreover, scams represent 14% of all fraudulent transactions at FIs with assets of $5 billion or more, making them a common occurrence. Read more

Shields Up: How to Minimize Ransomware Exposure

Organizations need to look beyond preventive measures when it comes to dealing with today’s ransomware threats and invest in ransomware response.

Torsten George, Security Week

The ransomware attack on UnitedHealth subsidiary Change Healthcare has remained top of mind since its disclosure in February 2024. This incident highlights the attractiveness of data-rich healthcare firms to hackers and the increasing sophistication of cybercriminals. However, the Change Healthcare attack is merely the tip of the iceberg, with numerous ransomware attacks staying underreported in the media.

Ransomware has emerged as a highly profitable enterprise, evidenced by Change Healthcare’s payment of a $22 million ransom in bitcoin. In 2023 alone, payments made by ransomware attack victims doubled compared to the previous year, surpassing $1 billion, as reported by blockchain analysis firm Chainalysis.

A ransomware attack can swiftly cripple an organization, rendering it unable to access critical data and conduct business. Moreover, threat actors have evolved from merely infecting systems with ransomware to employing multi-faceted extortion tactics, which may include publicly naming and shaming victims, exfiltrating data, and threatening to disclose or sell it (e.g., Omni Hotels & ResortsNexperiaEquiLed).

While organizations may attempt to mitigate their exposure to such extortion schemes through cybersecurity insurance policies, this approach may no longer be as effective. Insurers like Lloyds are increasingly imposing restrictions on payouts, including the exclusion of losses related to state-backed cyber attackers. Consequently, fewer companies can rely on cybersecurity insurance to mitigate catastrophic risks. Instead, businesses must bolster their ransomware preparedness, with cyber resilience playing a pivotal role in enhancing their ability to prepare for and swiftly recover from ransomware attacks. Read more

U.S. State Dept Broadens Security Vendor List Amid Microsoft Hacking Woes

Zeba Siddiqui, Reuters

The U.S. Department of State has been working with a range of security vendors beyond Microsoft since China-linked hackers stole tens of thousands of the department’s emails by breaching the tech giant’s network last year, a senior official said.

That hack, which compromised some 60,000 State Department emails, including those of Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo, was one of the worst in recent years against a federal agency and triggered much criticism of Microsoft. The Cyber Safety Review Board slammed the company last month for its lack of transparency.

“It’s not even that the software they gave me wasn’t secure. It’s that the keys to the kingdom were in the corporate network and their corporate network wasn’t secure,” Kelly Fletcher, the department’s chief information officer said on the sidelines of the RSA Conference in San Francisco on Monday.

“We’re seeing this sort of across the ecosystem … that these corporate networks are really important,” she said in an interview. “I’m counting on all my vendors, not just Microsoft, not only to sell me software that’s secure, but to have a secure corporate network.”

A hacking group Microsoft calls Storm-558 had gained access to a digital key that allowed it to break into several government inboxes, the tech firm earlier said. The incident strained an already tense U.S.-China relationship as the Chinese embassy in Washington dismissed allegations that Chinese government-linked hackers were behind it. Read more

ASD’s ACSC, CISA, and Partners Release Secure by Design Guidance on Choosing Secure and Verifiable Technologies

The Australian Signals Directorate’s Australian Cyber Security Centre (ASD’s ACSC), together with CISA, the Canadian Centre for Cyber Security (CCCS), the United Kingdom’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC-UK), and the New Zealand National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC-NZ) are releasing the following guidance: Secure by Design Choosing Secure and Verifiable Technologies. This guidance was crafted to provide organizations with secure by design considerations when procuring digital products and services.

The guidance contains a range of internal and external considerations and offers sample questions to leverage at each stage of the procurement process. Additionally, the guidance informs manufacturers on steps they should be taking to align their development processes to secure by design principles and practices.

CISA and partners encourage all organizations to read the guidance to assist with making secure and informed choices when procuring digital products and services. Software manufacturers are also encouraged to incorporate the secure by design principles and practices found in the guidance. To learn more about secure by design principles and practices, visit CISA’s Secure by Design webpage.


May 3, 2024: Fraud and Cybersecurity Articles

FinCEN Issues Analysis of Increasing Elder Financial Exploitation

Kristen E. Larson, Beth Moskow-Schnoll & Peter D. Hardy, Ballard Spahr

The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (“FinCEN”) recently issued a Financial Trend Analysis (“Analysis”) focusing on patterns and trends identified in Bank Secrecy Act (“BSA”) data linked to Elder Financial Exploitation (“EFE”) involving scams or theft perpetrated against older adults.

The Analysis is a follow up to FinCEN’s June 2022 EFE Advisory (“2022 Advisory”). The Analysis reviews BSA reports filed between June 15, 2022 and June 15, 2023 that either used the key term referenced in the 2022 Advisory (“EFE FIN-2022-A002”) or checked “Elder Financial Exploitation” as a suspicious activity type.  In its 2022 Advisory, FinCEN warned financial institutions (“FIs”) about the rising trend of EFE, which FinCEN defines as “the illegal or improper use of an older adult’s funds, property, or assets, and is often perpetrated either through theft or scams.” The 2022 Advisory identified 12 “behavioral” and 12 “financial” red flags to help FIs detect, prevent, and report suspicious activity connected to EFE. Additionally, FinCEN recommended EFE victims file incident reports to the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) and the Federal Trade Commission. Consistent with a risk-based approach to BSA compliance, FinCEN encouraged FIs to perform additional due diligence where appropriate.

Reports of EFE are significant, and increasing. In the Analysis, FinCEN identified 155,415 relevant BSA filings over this period, reporting approximately $27 billion in EFE-related suspicious activity. Further, FinCEN continues to receive EFE BSA reports, and has received on average 15,993 reports per month between June 15, 2023 and January 15, 2024.

Key findings from the Analysis include:

  • Banks filed 72% of all EFE-related BSA filings;
  • 80% of EFE-related BSA filings involve scams (the transfer of money to a stranger or imposter for a promised benefit that the older adult does not receive). Most elder scam reports referenced “account takeover” by an unknown perpetrator where fraudsters relied on unsophisticated means to steal the funds; Read more

‘Like Wildfire’: Rising Check Fraud Pits Small Banks Against Big Banks

Kate Berry, American Banker

Check fraud is wreaking havoc on community banks, which are urging the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency to crack down on their large bank competitors for failing to comply with rules meant to stop criminals from opening accounts.

Small banks say they’re taking hits to earnings and face negative impacts on their business customers. Many bankers say that check fraud is so rampant that it is leading to a loss of faith in the banking system and the U.S. Postal Service.

“Check fraud is out of hand,” said Chris Doyle, president and CEO of the $2.2 billion-asset Texas First Bank, in Texas City, Texas. “It’s an all-out war and we have people fighting it every day at our bank. The capture and washing of checks is out of control. There’s no security around checks. It’s too easy to wash them and commit fraud.”

Community banks are laying the blame for check fraud mostly on seven large banks, including JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America and Wells Fargo, for not doing enough to police new account openings. Checks are intercepted by criminals through the mail, altered by check washing, and then deposited in so-called drop accounts or mule accounts, which are later emptied. Small banks end up repaying their customers whose checks are stolen, but it can take months for them to get reimbursed by large banks in contravention of longstanding Uniform Commercial Code rules. Read more

Hackers Compromised Dropbox eSignature Service

Eduard Kovacs, SecurityWeek

Dropbox says hackers breached its Sign production environment and accessed customer email addresses and hashed passwords.

Dropbox on Wednesday disclosed a data breach impacting customers of Sign, the company’s electronic signature service. Dropbox Sign, formerly known as HelloSign, enables users to send, receive and manage legally binding e-signatures.

According to Dropbox, a threat actor gained access to the Sign production environment and accessed customer information, including email addresses, usernames, phone numbers, hashed passwords, data on general account settings, and authentication data such as API keys, OAuth tokens and multi-factor authentication.

Even users who only received or signed a document through Sign without creating an account had names and email addresses compromised. However, there is no indication that payment information or customers’ files (signed documents and agreements) were accessed.

The intrusion was discovered on April 24. The investigation is ongoing, but to date there is no evidence that other Dropbox products were impacted. The company has determined that the hacker gained access to an automated system configuration tool.

“The actor compromised a service account that was part of Sign’s back-end, which is a type of non-human account used to execute applications and run automated services. As such, this account had privileges to take a variety of actions within Sign’s production environment. The threat actor then used this access to the production environment to access our customer database,” Dropbox explained.

In response to the incident, the company is notifying impacted users, logging them out of the Sign service, and resetting their passwords. In addition, API keys and OAuth tokens are being rotated. Read more

CISA and Partners Release Fact Sheet on Defending OT Operations Against Ongoing Pro-Russia Hacktivist Activity

Today, CISA, in collaboration with U.S. and international partners, published a joint fact sheet, Defending OT Operations Against Ongoing Pro-Russia Hacktivist Activity. This fact sheet provides information and mitigations associated with cyber operations conducted by pro-Russia hacktivists who seek to compromise industrial control systems (ICS) and small-scale operational technology (OT) systems in North American and European critical infrastructure sectors, including Water and Wastewater Systems, Dams, Energy, and Food and Agriculture Sectors.

The pro-Russia hacktivist activity appears mostly limited to unsophisticated techniques that manipulate ICS equipment to create nuisance effects. However, investigations have identified that these actors are capable of techniques that pose physical threats against insecure and misconfigured OT environments.

CISA and partners encourage OT operators in critical infrastructure sectors to apply the recommendations listed in the fact sheet to defend against this activity. To learn more about secure by design principles and practices, visit CISA’s Secure by Design webpage. For more information and guidance on protection against the most common and impactful threats, tactics, techniques, and procedures, visit CISA’s Cross-Sector Cybersecurity Performance Goals.

Apr. 26, 2024: Fraud and Cybersecurity Articles

56% of Cyber Insurance Claims Originate in the Email Inbox

Help Net Security

56% of all 2023 claims were a result of funds transfer fraud (FTF) or business email compromise (BEC), highlighting the importance of email security as a critical aspect of cyber risk management, according to Coalition. The 2024 Cyber Claims Report is based on reported claims data from January 1 to December 31, 2023.

“Threat actors want to get paid, and the email inbox has proven to be an easy place for an attacker to uncover payment information and potentially intervene in payment processes to steal funds,” said Robert Jones, Coalition’s Head of Global Claims.

Some boundary devices increase the likelihood of a cyber claim
The report also revealed an increased risk for organizations using boundary devices, such as firewalls and virtual private networks (VPNs). While these tools can help to reduce cyber risk, using some boundary devices can actually increase the likelihood of a cyber claim if they have known vulnerabilities. cyber claim increase

For example, Coalition found businesses with internet-exposed Cisco ASA devices were nearly five times more likely to experience a claim in 2023, and businesses with internet-exposed Fortinet devices were twice as likely to experience a claim.

“We also found that policyholders using internet-exposed remote desktop protocol were 2.5 times more likely to experience a claim,” said Shelley Ma, Incident Response Lead at Coalition’s affiliate, Coalition Incident Response. “With new AI tools making it even easier to execute targeted cyber attack campaigns and identify exploitable assets, having an active partner that can help protect your organization from digital risk is crucial,” concluded Ma.

This new insight comes following Coalition’s Security Labs researchers’ discovery of a 59% increase in unique IP addresses scanning for open remote desktop protocol throughout last year.

Drop in ransomware severity, frequency, and demands in 2H 2023
Overall claims frequency increased 13% year-over-year (YoY), and overall claims severity increased 10% YoY, resulting in an average loss of $100,000. Claims frequency increased across all revenue bands, with businesses between $25 million and $100 million in revenue seeing the sharpest spike (a 32% YoY increase).

As ransomware payments hit $1 billion globally, Coalition ransomware severity dropped by 54%. Ransomware severity, frequency, and demands all dropped in 2H 2023, though not enough to offset the surge in 1H. Ransomware frequency was up 15% YoY, and severity was up 28%, to an average loss of more than $263,000. Read more

Machine Learning in Finance: Leveraging the Technology for Financial Fraud Detection

Sudeep Srivastava, AppInventive

With the ever-increasing growth of digital banking and online transactions, financial fraud detection has become an indispensable aspect of the BFSI market. Cybercrime activities like account takeover (ATO), credit card scams, and identity fraud can result in significant financial losses, legal implications, and reputational damage to financial firms.

According to Statista, the global eCommerce losses to online payment fraud reached $41 billion in 2022 and are estimated to cross $48 billion by the end of 2023. Therefore, detecting incidents of payment fraud and preventing associated losses has become a prime concern for businesses.

However, traditional fraud detection approach count on rule-based systems and have some limitations that can’t efficiently identify sophisticated fraud threats. This is where financial fraud detection using machine learning comes into play.

ML-based financial fraud detection offers more advanced techniques to analyze vast amounts of data and detect patterns to help identify susceptible behavior and prevent fraud related to money laundering, insurance claims, electronic payments, bank transactions, etc. Machine learning algorithms allow systems to automatically learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed.

Financial Fraud Detection Using Machine Learning vs. Traditional Rule-Based Systems
Financial fraud detection using machine learning has gained immense traction in recent years and shifted the industry from traditional rule-based systems to ML-based solutions.

Conventional methods of detecting fraudulent activities using rule-based systems have become obsolete in today’s tech-driven age. Since these systems work on predefined rules, they can effectively see known transaction patterns, but their capabilities are limited when it comes to identifying new and evolving ones. Also, they often generate false positives, flagging legitimate transactions as fraudulent activities. Read more

Cisco Says Hackers Subverted Its Security Devices to Spy on Governments

Raphael Satter, Reuters

Technology firm Cisco Systems said that hackers have subverted some of its digital security devices to break in to government networks globally.

In a blog post published on Wednesday,  the company said its Adaptive Security Appliances – pieces of equipment that roll several different digital defense functions into one – had previously unknown vulnerabilities that had been exploited by a group of hackers they called “UAT4356.

The blog post described the group as a “sophisticated state-sponsored actor” and said that the company’s investigation found victims that “involved government networks globally.” Cisco said the vulnerabilities have been patched. In a statement, the company said it urged customers to take “immediate action” to update their software. It did not give further details on the breaches, which it said dated back to earlier this year.

Security equipment like routers and other so-called edge devices has become an increasingly popular vector for advanced hackers because it resides at the perimeter of a target’s network and can be difficult to monitor. In its post, Cisco warned that it had seen evidence that the UAT4356 hackers were interested in “and potentially attacking” network devices from Microsoft and other vendors. Microsoft did not immediately return an email.

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) said it had “not confirmed evidence of this activity affecting U.S. government networks at this time.” CISA released an alert on the Cisco vulnerabilities, on Wednesday.

Next-Gen Fraud Strategies Use Data to Onboard Customers Safely

PYMNTs Magazine

Data breaches and mail theft have resulted in a record level of available compromised identity information, payment information, login information and even stolen checks. It has been said that “At this point, all of our information is out on the dark web and it’s now just a matter of when it is going to be used against us.”

Combined with inadequate fraud strategies, fraudsters have the key to the castle; it’s a perfect scenario of having the answers to the quiz ahead of time.

Let’s talk about how it’s done:

  • Identity theft and identity impersonation: The onslaught started in 2017 with 147MM records breached and has multiplied every year since then. Last year, there were over 3,200 separate data breaches that resulted in over 353 million records being released on the dark web.
  • Rapid increases in mail theft provide more compromised information as well as valid documents that are used for identity theft and check fraud.
  • This breached data is shared online, where a criminal can purchase a complete identity that includes name, address, Social Security number, DOB, credit score and current open account information for less than $30 per identity. (The amount of data now available online is abundant.)
  • Armed with this trove of real data they purchase a fake ID from overseas for less than $100. These IDs have their picture on it with the PII data of their victim and pass the traditional ID verification checks which allows them to assume and impersonate the identity of the victim they targeted. These high-quality fakes even fool law enforcement.

From there, they can:

  • Open new accounts: By impersonating a victim with no previous instances of fraud having been reported through the traditional credit agencies they are able to open multiple accounts within a 30-day period before the victim or issuing lender is ever alerted.
  • Account takeover attacks: ATO attacks increased 354% year over year in 2023. Fraudsters know this is the easier path since no credit pulls are needed and knowledge-based answers are what is often deployed to verify account information. Contact and call centers are often used to explore the defenses in place and then social media is leveraged to gain additional information needed for successful ATO attempts.

What are some of the inadequate fraud strategies still being used?

  • Confirming the exact same data sources that the criminals use — which is the valid personal identifiable information that they have purchased through the dark web. Fraudsters are highly effective at gathering accurate information and using it to impersonate their targets. We must go beyond confirming the same data. Read more

Apr. 19, 2024: Fraud and Cybersecurity Articles

FinCEN Issues Notice on Counterfeit Passport Card Fraud

Peter D. Hardy,

The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (“FinCEN”) has issued a Notice on the Use of Counterfeit U.S. Passport Cards to Perpetrate Identity Theft and Fraud Schemes at Financial Institutions (“Notice”), asking financial institutions (“FIs”) to be vigilant in identifying suspicious activity relating to the use of counterfeit U.S. passport cards.  According to the Notice, the U.S. Department of State’s Diplomatic Security Service (“DSS”) has determined that there is a growing use of such counterfeit cards to gain access to victim accounts at FIs.  “This fraud occurs in person at [FIs] and involves an individual impersonating a victim by using a counterfeit U.S. passport card that contains the victim’s actual information.”

As its title plainly states, the Notice pertains to passport cards, rather than passport books.  Passport cards have more limited uses and can be used only for land, sea and domestic air travel into the U.S. from Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean and Bermuda.  The following graphic from the Department of State illustrates the difference.

The Notice observes that FIs are less likely to detect fraud involving passport cards because they are a less familiar form of U.S. government-issued identification.  Victims’ personal identifiable information (“PII”) is typically acquired through the darknet or the U.S. mail (see our blog post on the surge in mail-theft check fraud here).  After a fake card is created, the illicit actor or complicit money mule will visit a branch of the victim’s FI – often by trying to avoid any branches that the victim actually may visit, so as to reduce the chances of detection.

If bank staff are fooled successfully, the Notice describes what can follow:

  1. The illicit actor will seek to gain information about a victim’s account, by, for example, asking questions regarding the account balance and withdrawal limits. Once such information is obtained, the illicit actor will quickly withdraw large amounts of cash below the Currency Transaction Reporting (CTR) threshold, purchase cashier’s checks or money orders, or initiate wires.  To evade the CTR threshold, the illicit actor may visit other bank branch locations and repeat the process, using the same victim’s information. Read more

U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Financial Services Reintroduce Bill to Protect America’s Critical Financial Infrastructure from Ransomware Attacks

House Financial Services Committee Chairman Patrick McHenry (R-NC) and U.S. Representative Brittany Pettersen (D-CO) today introduced the bipartisan Ransomware and Financial Stability Act. This legislation will protect the critical financial infrastructure that makes daily economic activity possible by deterring hackers and setting commonsense guide rails for financial institutions to respond to ransomware attacks.

Background on the Ransomware and Financial Stability Act:

Focuses the Government’s Deterrence Efforts on Critical Financial Infrastructure

  • The bill focuses on Financial Market Utilities, large securities exchanges, and certain technology service providers essential for banks’ core processing services.

Gives Critical Institutions a Roadmap When Attacked

  • Requires covered entities to notify the Treasury Department before making a ransomware payment.
  • Deters hackers by prohibiting large ransomware payments in excess of $100,000 unless law enforcement provides a Ransomware Payment Authorization or the President determines a waiver is in the U.S. national interest.

Provides Legal Clarity When Responding to Attacks

  • Ensures reports made by institutions to authorities about ransomware attacks are kept confidential.
  • Gives clarity to financial institutions, including ransomware payment processors, by creating a safe harbor when they assess a cybersecurity attack or comply with a Ransomware Payment Authorization.

To view the full text of the bill, click here.

U.S. Government on High Alert as Russian Hackers Steal Critical Correspondence from Microsoft Inbox

Ryan Naraine, Security Week

The US government says Midnight Blizzard’s compromise of Microsoft corporate email accounts “presents a grave and unacceptable risk to federal agencies.” The US cybersecurity agency CISA issued an emergency directive mandating that all federal agencies immediately hunt for signs of a known Russian APT that broke into Microsoft’s corporate network and pivoted to steal sensitive correspondence from US government agencies.

The directive comes less than three months after Redmond disclosed the embarrassing hack and confirmed the ‘Midnight Blizzard’ attackers also stole source code and may still be poking around its internal computer systems.

According to the CISA directive, federal agencies must immediately “analyze the content of exfiltrated emails, reset compromised credentials, and take additional steps to ensure authentication tools for privileged Microsoft Azure accounts are secure.”

“Midnight Blizzard’s successful compromise of Microsoft corporate email accounts and the exfiltration of correspondence between agencies and Microsoft presents a grave and unacceptable risk to agencies,” CISA said.

The agency warned that the Russian government-backed hackers are using information initially exfiltrated from the corporate email systems — including authentication details shared between Microsoft customers and Microsoft by email — to gain, or attempt to gain, additional access to Microsoft customer systems.

The agency said it worked with the world’s largest software maker to notify all federal agencies whose email correspondence with Microsoft was identified as exfiltrated by the Midnight Blizzard threat actor.

“In addition, Microsoft has represented to CISA that for the subset of affected agencies whose exfiltrated emails contain authentication secrets, such as credentials or passwords, Microsoft will provide metadata for such emails to those agencies,” CISA said.

The agency said Micrsooft also agreed to provide metadata for all exfiltrated federal agency correspondence — regardless of the presence of authentication secrets — upon the request of the National Cyber Investigative Joint Task Force (NCIJTF), which is the single federal point of contact for this incident. Read more

U.S. Gov’t Commits $3.6M To Address Cybersecurity Skill Shortage

Savannah Fortis, CoinTelegraph

NIST allocated nearly $3.6 million in cooperative agreements to enhance the cybersecurity workforce aiming to combat the growing threat of cyberattacks. The United States National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) said it awarded cooperative agreements of almost $3.6 million, aiming to build a workforce to help guard businesses against cybersecurity risks.

The NIST, an agency of the Department of Commerce, announced on April 3 that 18 education and community-focused organizations in 15 states will receive grants of roughly $200,000 to address the shortage of skilled cybersecurity employees.

The cooperative agreements will be a multisector effort as they will be overseen by NICE — a partnership between government, academia and private entities.

Laurie E. Locascio, director of NIST, said the investment is filling a “critical gap” in the cybersecurity workforce.

According to the U.S.’s CyberSeek tool, which analyzes data about the cybersecurity job market and was funded by NICE, the local market has had around 450,000 cybersecurity job openings in the last year. Read more


Apr. 12, 2024: Fraud and Cybersecurity Articles

Did One Guy Just Stop a Huge Cyberattack?

A Microsoft engineer noticed something was off on a piece of software he worked on. He soon discovered someone was probably trying to gain access to computers all over the world.

Courtesy of Kevin Roose, The New York Times

The internet, as anyone who works deep in its trenches will tell you, is not a smooth, well-oiled machine.

It’s a messy patchwork that has been assembled over decades, and is held together with the digital equivalent of Scotch tape and bubble gum. Much of it relies on open-source software that is thanklessly maintained by a small army of volunteer programmers who fix the bugs, patch the holes and ensure the whole rickety contraption, which is responsible for trillions of dollars in global G.D.P., keeps chugging along.

Last week, one of those programmers may have saved the internet from huge trouble.

His name is Andres Freund. He’s a 38-year-old software engineer who lives in San Francisco and works at Microsoft. His job involves developing a piece of open-source database software known as PostgreSQL, whose details would probably bore you to tears if I could explain them correctly, which I can’t.

Recently, while doing some routine maintenance, Mr. Freund inadvertently found a backdoor hidden in a piece of software that is part of the Linux operating system. The backdoor was a possible prelude to a major cyberattack that experts say could have caused enormous damage, if it had succeeded.

Now, in a twist fit for Hollywood, tech leaders and cybersecurity researchers are hailing Mr. Freund as a hero. Satya Nadella, the chief executive of Microsoft, praised his “curiosity and craftsmanship.” An admirer called him “the silverback gorilla of nerds.” Engineers have been circulating an old, famous-among-programmers web comic about how all modern digital infrastructure rests on a project maintained by some random guy in Nebraska. (In their telling, Mr. Freund is the random guy from Nebraska.) Read more

CFPB Warns Banks of Video Games’ Money Laundering, Fraud Risks

Courtesy of Carter Pape, American Banker

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau released a report last week on the inadequacies in consumer protections that video game makers provide to players, particularly against scams and account theft. The bureau also warned about data collection practices it says publishers can use to “take advantage of players’ proclivities to entice more spending.”

In the report, the bureau cited a 2019 paper that analyzed 13 patents about in-game purchases; the paper found the systems studied “optimize offers to incentivize continuous spending,” potentially exploiting vulnerable players such as adolescents and problem gamers — without the promise of refund entitlements.

Video games represent a large sector of the U.S. economy; American consumers spent nearly $57 billion on gaming in 2023, including on hardware, software and in-game transactions such as converting dollars to virtual currencies or other gaming assets, according to the bureau’s report.

The video game economy includes companies that are not game publishers, encompassing many large tech companies, as well. For example, according to a 2021 court ruling in a case between Apple and game publisher Epic Games, 70% of the revenue Apple collects from its app store comes from gaming apps. The court added that this 70% of revenue is generated by less than 10% of app store users. Read more

Hackers Stole 340,000 Social Security Numbers from a Government Consulting Firm

Courtesy of Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai, TechCrunch

U.S. consulting firm Greylock McKinnon Associates (GMA) disclosed a data breach in which hackers stole as many as 341,650 Social Security numbers.

The data breach was disclosed on Friday on Maine’s government website, where the state posts data breach notifications. In its data breach notice sent by mail to affected victims, GMA said it was hit by an unspecified cyberattack in May 2023 and “promptly took steps to mitigate the incident.”

GMA provides economic and litigation support to companies and U.S. government agencies, including the U.S. Department of Justice, bringing civil litigation. According to its data breach notice, GMA told affected individuals that their personal information “was obtained by the U.S. Department of Justice (“DOJ”) as part of a civil litigation matter” supported by GMA.

The reasons and target of the DOJ’s civil litigation are not known. A spokesperson for the Justice Department did not respond to a request for comment.

GMA said that individuals notified of the data breach are “not the subject of this investigation or the associated litigation matters,” and that the cyberattack “does not impact your current Medicare benefits or coverage.”

“We consulted with third-party cybersecurity specialists to assist with our response to the incident, and we notified law enforcement and the DOJ. We received confirmation of which individuals’ information was affected and obtained their contact addresses on February 7, 2024,” the firm wrote. Read more

Attackers Using Obfuscation Tools to Deliver Multi-Stage Malware via Invoice Phishing

Courtesy of The Hacker News

Cybersecurity researchers have discovered an intricate multi-stage attack that leverages invoice-themed phishing decoys to deliver a wide range of malware such as Venom RAT, Remcos RAT, XWorm, NanoCore RAT, and a stealer that targets crypto wallets.

The email messages come with Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) file attachments that, when clicked, activate the infection sequence, Fortinet FortiGuard Labs said in a technical report.

The modus operandi is notable for the use of the BatCloak malware obfuscation engine and ScrubCrypt to deliver the malware in the form of obfuscated batch scripts.

BatCloak, offered for sale to other threat actors since late 2022, has its foundations in another tool called Jlaive. Its primary function is to load a next-stage payload in a manner that circumvents traditional detection mechanisms.

ScrubCrypt, a crypter that was first documented by Fortinet in March 2023 in connection with a cryptojacking campaign orchestrated by the 8220 Gang, is assessed to be one of the iterations of BatCloak, according to research from Trend Micro last year.

In the latest campaign analyzed by the cybersecurity firm, the SVG file serves as a conduit to drop a ZIP archive that contains a batch script likely created using BatCloak, which then unpacks the ScrubCrypt batch file to ultimately execute Venom RAT, but not before setting up persistence on the host and taking steps to bypass AMSI and ETW protections. Read more

Apr. 5, 2024: Fraud and Cybersecurity Articles

U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency Releases Proposed Rules on Breach Reporting Requirements

Courtesy of Hunton Andrews Kurth’s Privacy and Cybersecurity of Hunton Andrews Kurth, National Law Review

On March 27, 2024, the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency (“CISA”) released an unpublished version of a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (“NPRM”), as required by the Cyber Incident Reporting for Critical Infrastructure Act of 2022 (“CIRCIA”). The NPRM will be officially published on April 4, 2024, and comments are due by June 3, 2024. Pursuant to the proposed rules, “covered entities” would be required to report (1) “qualifying cyber incidents,” (2) ransom payments made in response to a ransomware attack, and (3) any substantially new or different information discovered related to a previously submitted report to CISA. Covered entities are required to notify CISA within 72 hours in the event of a qualifying cyber incident and within 24 hours, in the event that payment is made in response to a ransomware attack.

CISA proposes that qualifying cyber incidents are “substantial” cyber incidents that lead to (1) a substantial loss of confidentiality, integrity or availability of a covered entity’s information system or network; (2) a serious impact on the safety and resiliency of a covered entity’s operational systems and processes; (3) a disruption of a covered entity’s ability to engage in business or industrial operations, or deliver goods or services; or (4) unauthorized access to a covered entity’s information system or network, or any nonpublic information contained therein, that is facilitated through or caused by either a compromise of a cloud service provider, managed service provider, other third-party data hosting provider, or a supply chain compromise.

CISA also proposes that a “covered entity” include entities (1) within a critical infrastructure sector that exceed small business size standards specified by the U.S. Small Business Administration or (2) subject to sector-specific standards that CISA proposes developing for critical infrastructure entities. CISA considers 16 sectors to be “critical infrastructure:” chemical; commercial facilities; communications; critical manufacturing; dams; defense industrial base; emergency services; energy; financial services; food and agriculture; government facilities; healthcare and public health; information technology; nuclear reactors, materials, and waste; state, local, tribal, and territorial government coordinating council; transportation systems; and water and wastewater. Read more

AT&T Breach Demands Vigilance as Fraudsters Leverage ID Data

Courtesy of PYMNTS

The fallout from the massive data breach at AT&T — where information tied to 73 million current and former account holders was leaked — has yet to be felt. And changing passwords is a start, but by no means will it solve the problem. Bryan Lewis, CEO of Intellicheck, noted to PYMNTS: “It’s not just the passcode you have to worry about.

The real issue in a beach of this size, with this data,” he said of the fraudsters in a Monday (April 1) interview, “is that they’re going to use it to steal your identity.” The compromised data that’s now on the Dark Web spans everything from passwords and names to addresses and Social Security numbers. And the data itself? It can be bought on the cheap.

As Lewis recounted, the Dark Web serves as an online marketplace where names, emails and other data points can be bought for $10 or $20.  A driver’s license might go for $50. For a grand total of $80, Lewis said, an enterprising fraudsters can grab all the information they might need to pose as someone else. They could then essentially go shopping, trying every site they can to open accounts, run up bills and buy all manner of goods that can easily be resold for monetary gain.

Vigilance Will Be Key
“If you’re one of the people who’ve had their data breached,” at the telecom giant, he said, “you’ve really got to be vigilant now — especially anywhere credit can be issued.” The vulnerabilities linger. The fact remains that individuals use the same passwords over and over, Lewis said.  A prudent strategy would be that consumers make sure not to use the same passwords or PINs across multiple systems, particularly if they’re storing sensitive information with merchants and banks and enterprises.

Telecoms are especially appealing to fraudsters, said Lewis, who observed to PYMNTS that SIM card fraud and other scams allow bad actors access to victims’ phone and email accounts, and by extension their bank and brokerage accounts. Read more

U.S. Cyber Safety Board Slams Microsoft Over Breach by China-Based Hackers

Courtesy of The Hacker News

The U.S. Cyber Safety Review Board (CSRB) has criticized Microsoft for a series of security lapses that led to the breach of nearly two dozen companies across Europe and the U.S. by a China-based nation-state group called Storm-0558 last year. The findings, released by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) on Tuesday, found that the intrusion was preventable, and that it became successful due to a “cascade of Microsoft’s avoidable errors.”

“It identified a series of Microsoft operational and strategic decisions that collectively pointed to a corporate culture that deprioritized enterprise security investments and rigorous risk management, at odds with the company’s centrality in the technology ecosystem and the level of trust customers place in the company to protect their data and operations,” the DHS said in a statement.

The CSRB also lambasted the tech titan for failing to detect the compromise on its own, instead relying on a customer to reach out to flag the breach. It further faulted Microsoft for not prioritizing the development of an automated key rotation solution and rearchitecting its legacy infrastructure to meet the needs of the current threat landscape. The incident first came to light in July 2023 when Microsoft revealed that Storm-0558 gained unauthorized access to 22 organizations as well as more than more than 500 related individual consumer accounts.

Microsoft subsequently said a validation error in its source code made it possible for Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) tokens to be forged by Storm-0558 using a Microsoft account (MSA) consumer signing key, thus allowing the adversary to infiltrate the mailboxes.

In September 2023, the company divulged that Storm-0558 acquired the consumer signing key to forge the tokens by compromising an engineer’s corporate account that had access to a debugging environment hosting a crash dump of its consumer signing system that also inadvertently contained the signing key. Read more

Related Reading: CISA Warns: Hackers Actively Attacking Microsoft SharePoint Vulnerability

FinCEN Updates: Financial Action Task Force Highlights Treasury’s Efforts to Counter Illicit Finance

The Financial Action Task Force (FATF)—the global standard-setting body for anti-money laundering, countering the financing of terrorism, and countering proliferation financing (AML/CFT/CPF)—announced that the United States has been upgraded to “largely compliant” with FATF Recommendation 24, which relates to beneficial ownership transparency for legal persons.

The FATF published the updated rating in the Seventh Enhanced Follow-Up Report of the United States, recognizing Treasury’s historic efforts to increase beneficial ownership transparency and address key vulnerabilities in the U.S. AML/CFT framework.

“The United States’ upgraded rating is a result of nearly a decade of hard work by the Treasury Department, along with our interagency partners, to stop the flow of dirty money through anonymous companies,” Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen said. “As the world’s largest economy, we have a unique responsibility to safeguard our financial system from criminal exploitation. We’re fully committed to strengthening the implementation of the FATF’s global standards as we work to advance transparency and fairness across the U.S. financial system.”

The Report details the United States’ progress in addressing deficiencies in its AML/CFT regime specific to Recommendation 24, including the ongoing implementation of the Corporate Transparency Act, the bipartisan law that requires many companies doing business in the United States to report information to Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) about who ultimately owns or controls them. This historic effort, among other Treasury initiatives, aims to prevent the misuse of anonymous companies and other corporate structures by criminal, corrupt, and illicit actors.

Treasury has made significant progress in implementing the Corporate Transparency Act and is engaged in a robust outreach and education campaign to educate small businesses about the reporting requirements. Reporting companies that existed before 2024 have until January 1, 2025, to report their beneficial ownership information to FinCEN. Reporting companies created or registered to do business in the United States in 2024 have 90 calendar days to file after receiving actual or public notice that their company’s creation or registration is effective. Learn more at