New York’s Yolanda Ford Appointed to FFIEC State Liaison Committee
Posted September 19, 2022FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 19, 2022
New York’s Yolanda Ford Appointed to FFIEC State Liaison Committee
ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA – The National Association of State Credit Union Supervisors (NASCUS) is proud to announce the appointment of Yolanda Ford to the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council’s (FFIEC) State Liaison Committee (SLC). NASCUS designated Ms. Ford to complete the remainder of the two-year term following the departure of Georgia Senior Deputy Commissioner Steve Pleger.
Ms. Ford has served as the New York State Department of Financial Services Deputy Superintendent of the Community and Regional Banks Unit since 2016. She is responsible for the regulatory supervision of credit unions, as well as community and regional banks. In 2008, she was appointed Assistant Deputy Superintendent in the Community and Regional Banks Unit. She spent twenty-three years in field examination and supervision roles in various New York State Department of Financial Services sectors. Ms. Ford also currently serves on the NASCUS Regulator Board of Directors and as a member of the NASCUS Legislative and Regulatory Affairs Committee.
President and CEO of NASCUS Brian Knight commented, “We are thrilled to have Yolanda represent NASCUS and the state credit union regulatory system on the State Liaison Committee. The breadth of Yolanda’s experience with the supervision of the financial services sector will be invaluable to the FFIEC. I thank Yolanda for her continued service to the state system. Additionally, I wish to extend our sincere gratitude for Steve Pleger’s dedicated service with the SLC. Steve has been an outstanding state system representative on this committee.”
The FFIEC was created by the Federal Financial Institutions Regulatory and Interest Rate Control Act of 1978 to prescribe uniform principles, standards, and report forms for the federal examination of financial institutions and to make recommendations to promote uniformity in the supervision of financial institutions.
The SLC is comprised of five state banking and credit union agency representatives that supervise financial institutions. Members of the SLC are designated by: NASCUS, the American Council of State Savings Supervisors (ACSSS), the Conference of State Bank Supervisors (CSBS), and the FFIEC. An SLC member may have their two-year term extended by the appointing organization for an additional two-year period. Ford’s partial term on the SLC will expire on March 31, 2023.
This five-member committee also includes the following:
- SLC Chairman Tom Fite, Director, Indiana Department of Financial Institutions, selected by the Council
- Kevin Allard, Superintendent, Ohio Division of Financial Institutions, designated by ACSSS
- Melanie Hall, Commissioner, Montana Division of Banking and Financial Institutions, selected by the Council
- Susannah Marshall, Commissioner, Arkansas Bank Department, designated by CSBS
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